I hate diaper bags...
and my husband bought me the cutest one on the planet! It is pink with little brown polka dots... However I tend to overfill bags so instead of being helpful... it ends up as a 1000 lb weight I’m dragging around prepared for Zombie apocalypse...
I feel like when you take a diaper bag you’re committing to being prepared. This means you need to take everything! In case a situation arises that you will need it.
Now I just keep a small thing of wipes, two diapers, an outfit and maybe a nursing cover in the bottom of my stroller. Also I keep the same things in my baby organizer in the car. Most places I am going I will either have my stroller or my car. This way I’m not constantly lugging everything around.
This is definitely a bonus of nursing... no formula, no bottles, etc
How do you carry diapers?