This is the place for moms In The Making, who smile with the messes, embrace the unexpected, and know that every day is a blessing.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Eat A Frog!

Eat a frog! 
Sounds like a fabulous book... I immediately requested a copy from the library... and it sat on the self for three weeks collecting dust and now its back at library land.

However my friend gave me the short and sweet and it changed the way I think about things. The concept is that you begin with the task you are avoiding... then things only get easier from that point.

I hate frogs... sometimes I spend days or weeks hopping from one task to the next to avoid something I don’t like doing. However the days I buckle down - plug my nose, squint my eyes and swallow the squirmy little frog are the best! I am exponentially more productive and feel great at the end of the day!

What is your frog? Are you ready to swallow it?


  1. I'd heard of the title but never checked it out. Thanks for the encouragement! I have a weekly Homemaking Party and would love to have you join up, if you haven’t already. Here’s the link to this week’s party:
    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  2. It's an old one but a good one. I definitely need to work on frog eating some days / weeks / months :-) Alice @ Mums Make Lists xx

  3. Oh, I love that! My frog is (and has been) cleaning my barn. Right now it's a little like eating an have to do it one bite at a time. ;) It's slowly getting done, but I usually put it off until later in the day and run out of time to get too much accomplished. Maybe if I started working on it first thing in the morning I might actually make some headway.

  4. clever post. Thanks for linking up to BeColorful


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