Working full time, chasing around my 8 month old, trying to clean the house... and oh yeah taking walks for exercise :)
I tend to go barefoot... but that doesn't really work on bumpy sidewalks filled with mud, glass, and my favorite... occasionally dog droppings.
So I wear flip flops... each year I buy about 2-3 pairs of the $2.00 flip flops from Target or Walmart and they sustain me all year. But this year in particular my feet were dying!! I think its just a little bit of extra weight from pregnancy, being on my feet more, and less sleep all around.
About a month ago while in the store I tried on a pair of flip flops... It was as if I was walking on the clouds. I was in love! There was just one problem... They were $32! That was 16 times more than I was used to paying for flip flops.
With a tear in my eye, we left the store... someday I would have those shoes, but student loans would have my money for today.
If you are looking for them at the store they are called Nike Comfort Thong... weird name great shoe! |
Then I woke up the morning of my anniversary... There they were. The most beautiful, comfortable flip flops on earth. It is like walking around on a cloud. I've only had them a few days, and I can't imagine how I lived without them!
I think I'll wait for them to go on sale at the end of summer and stock up.
If your feet hurt and you're running around all the time. I couldn't recommend a better option.
Do you have a favorite pair of comfy summer shoes?
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