This is the place for moms In The Making, who smile with the messes, embrace the unexpected, and know that every day is a blessing.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Christ in Christmas

Keeping Christ in Christmas... This has
been an ongoing puzzle that my husband and I have been tackling... especially now that we have our little man, Charlie. How are we going to celebrate Christmas while keeping the focus on Christ?

I absolutely want Charlie to understand that Jesus birth is the most important part!! But I must admit... I love presents! Shopping on Black Friday, stockings filled with fun, and Christmas music during Advent.

So the extreme traditions like only giving 3 gifts on Christmas like the Three Wise Men gave to Jesus scare me...
Baby Charlie as Jesus in Christmas Play

We have made one step of progress in our journey... We are writing a Children’s Advent Book :) There will be short story each day about a different Biblical Character starting with God the Father, Creation, and leading up to Jesus birth.
Unfinished drawing for 5th day of Creation when God creates birds and fish!

I am super excited... the only problem. It’s eating my lunch... and breakfast and dinner... It is all consuming trying to finish the text, complete the drawings, perfect the layout...

6th Day of Creation when God creates all the animals and man 

While I LOVE blogging... I am cutting back to one post a week for awhile. It totally kills me to do that, but I can blog forever. If I don’t finish the book before Advent... It will be a complete wash.

I will be posting updates about the book as we get closer to the launch. We will be looking for some places to review our book etc. If you have any ideas I’d love to hear from you!


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