This is the place for moms In The Making, who smile with the messes, embrace the unexpected, and know that every day is a blessing.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Trash Treasures - Finding the Perfect Picnic Table

Screech! It’s big garbage day and I just found the perfect picnic table...

Ok not the perfect picnic table, there is a board missing off the top, and the bench on one side is gone too... but I can see that this will be a treasure.

One problem, I’m late getting off work and I can’t fit it in the trunk of my car. After awkward attempts of trying to make it fit and causing a traffic jam, I decided to stash it in my friend’s backyard who happens to live close by.

Finally on Sunday I set back out to claim my prize. I know it won’t fit in the car... but it is only 3 blocks away so I decided to take my Graco Snuggleride stroller frame and set out. I was peppered with puzzling stares as I proudly walked down the street with my babyless stroller.

Halfway there I am offered a truck by an inquisitive neighbor, I am grateful but decided to press on in my mission. I arrive, load the picnic table, things are going like magic... now I’ve just got to push it three blocks and go to Lowes to replace the boards.

I am applauded on my way back by the same neighbor who offered his truck, but he realizes that its broken and offers me a board. Not only does he end up giving me a board, but measures it, cuts it and replaces fixing both the table and bench seat.
I left to collect my trash treasure and came home with a perfect baby picnic table! My goal is to paint it a cute color... but my son and his friend seem to love it right now!

Have you ever found a trash treasure? Or was there ever a neighbor who helped you achieve a dream?


  1. Great job...I'm like you...I hate to pass up a bargain in the trash.

  2. Thank you! I am re-inspired :) I haven't found something this good in a long time!!!

  3. It is adorable! If you paint it with some high glass enamel it should be okay outside for a few summers.

  4. How fun! And what a kind neighbor you have! Thanks for sharing with the Tuesday Baby Link Up Community!

  5. That is funny! And you so cute! I hope the babies like their new table!

  6. Love that grin on your face as you proudly walk over to collect your newly found treasure. Sounds like you have a nice neighbor.
    The picnic table looks like the perfect size for the little guys.
    Thanks for sharing,
    Pieced Pastimes

  7. what a great neighbour you have! And you seriously EARNED that picnic table, mama! It's so much better because it has a fun, cheeky story to it too

  8. I've pushed a babyless stroller plenty of times. My daughter went to a pre-school very close to the house and I would bring her in the stroller and walk back with it empty. I think the table looks great and will look even better painted.:) Nice find.

  9. Oh that's fab - we have used the stroller for all sorts of deliveries. Always comes in handy when we go to the garden centre. What a fab neighbour to have :-)

    Thanks so much for sharing at the Friday Baby Shower - Alice x


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