This is the place for moms In The Making, who smile with the messes, embrace the unexpected, and know that every day is a blessing.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

How Do You Appreciate The Baby You Have?

Do you appreciate the baby you have?

[Charlie without shirt ]

Yes!...Obviously… is the natural answer. And I don’t think any of us as mothers would say that we don’t appreciate our incredible children.

But what about when you would like another child, and things aren’t working out? You’re unable to conceive or get pregnant for a myriad of reasons. It truly puts you in a hard situation.

On one hand you have people who perhaps think you have too many kids or are overly feisty about having another, so they’ll make comments like, “Why would you want another you already have one?”

Then there are the people who had a baby at the same time as you, and already have another? You find yourself asking what is it that they did so right that they get a baby when I cannot?

[holding dandelion]

This is when we need to stop to truly appreciate the child or children we already have. Even if it can be hard, it doesn’t help comparing ourselves to others. There are woman who would give the world to be in our situation. Woman who are struggling to even have one child.

Ways to appreciate the baby we already have:

  1. Cut yourself some slack. It will be hard sometimes, if you need to take a break from mom’s group or being around a lot of pregnant moms, it’s ok.

  2. Remember the joy when you first discovered you were pregnant. Think about the anticipation you had waiting for your baby’s arrival. You waited so long for this moment, it is here, savor it.

  3. [pic of Charlies feet]
  4. Find something fun that works for just the number of kiddos you have. Having more kids is incredible… But some things work better with a small group, do the things now that would be harder if you were pregnant or had a baby.

  5. [pic coffee cups]
  6. Find a friend. This can be the loneliest time… it seem like everywhere you look there are preggo mamas. It is deceptive though, you’re not alone. There is another mom out there who’s in the same situation as you. Find her! It might take courage to say, hey wanta do lunch? Or how about some ice cream? But trust me, it will be the best thing for you!

Now is the time, stop reading the blog (but do come back soon!) and go spend some quality time with your kiddo.

I would love to know, how do you appreciate the baby you have right now?


  1. I loved this. I have two kiddos of my own. They are wonderful. My oldest has started talking all.the.time and I love it. My youngest is cutting her molars and is taking it like a champ! Love them. Thanks for posting. I will be following you!! Take Care. :)

    1. I am so excited to have you following my blog :) Your kiddos sound adorable... How did you find my blog?

  2. Hi there! I found your blog through the Inspire Me Please Link Party. Your post seriously made my day. It's sometimes hard to take a break and just breathe. Kids grow oh-so-fast! Thanks for reminding me. :) :) :) Take Care and Best Wishes. -Marie :)

    1. Marie, am so glad it made your day... your pregnancy post just made my mine :)


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