This is the place for moms In The Making, who smile with the messes, embrace the unexpected, and know that every day is a blessing.

Monday, July 21, 2014

How to Grow Your Blog with Abby from Just a Girl and Her Blog

Abby & Theresa Image

We all want to be a success! In life, blogging or any other venture we undertake. I am thrilled to have Abby from Just A Girl and Her Blog sharing her tips with us today. I met Abby two years ago. At the time, she was just 6 months into her blog.

By the end of her first year she had almost a million pageviews and had worked with brands like IKEA and Martha Stewart Crafts. She was even making more money with her blog than in previous part time job!

This is when you shout... Tell me more!

Abby discusses her blogging success and teaches you how to be successful blogging too in her new book Building A Framework. We talk about her book and more in today’s episode of A Mom in the Making Podcast. You can listen to it here:

Listen To This Podcast Episode

Read Building a Framework

It is truly an amazing book! I flew threw it in less than 24 hours… and it 179 pages! I loved seeing how she was able to achieve success with her blog so quickly. Everyone talks about the longggg road to success, but it was great seeing things you can do right now to jump start your progress.

3 Blogging Tips from Abby

  1. Hone in on your Content
    This send me into a frenzy… does my blog have a theme? Or is it merely a playground after a paintball fight? Take a look at your blog, have you honed in on your content?
    Tip Num. 1

  2. Build Relationships
    When you’re budgeting time for blogging does this include time for building relationships?
    Tip Num. 2

  3. Tell Stories
    Abby emphasises to tell your story. People will love you for your story.
    Tip Num. 3

Are you weeping because the post ended? Don’t worry Abby has all this and more in her book, Building a Framework, so you can make your blog a booming success.

All Three Tips

FREE ebook

My Quick Guide to Spending Quality Time with Your Kids will give you inspiration and ideas so you can start spending more quality time with your kids today! ~ Theresa