This is the place for moms In The Making, who smile with the messes, embrace the unexpected, and know that every day is a blessing.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Why Moms Need to Swim

Is your child beautiful? Do you love them right now just the way they are? Do you do the same for yourself?

Why Moms Need to Swim

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As moms we can do a great job of telling everyone else that God created them beautiful just the way they are… Then we look in the mirror. Ahh.

Summer only glorifies this dilemma with the dreaded bathingsuit. I have the advantage of being part fish, so nothing can keep me from the water. But, I was really inspired when I read Jessica Turner’s postMoms Put On That Swimsuit

Jessica talked about how moms are an example to their children, especially their girls. If you aren’t confident with yourself how will your child learn to be confident?

Thoughts for Jumping In the Water

  1. Be confident! You are beautiful! Just for being a mom.

  2. Don’t go wearing something that makes you feel ackward. Personally, I think a tankini with shorts or a skirt on the bottom are best… Big or small nobody needs to see the booty or the belly :)

  3. It might not be what you imagined. You might not be the mini version of yourself, but that’s ok.

Charlie and Theresa in the water

If you child came up to you and said that they couldn’t swim with their friends because they were too fat you would be heartbroken. You would immediately tell your child that their weight does not define them. You’d say “Jump in, do not to miss out on the fun.”

Now, say that to yourself. Your children love you! They want their mom to be with them, in the water, having fun. These are special moments with your kids. Do not miss out on these memories because of a few silly pounds.

Sure, it might not be a model show… My swimsuit I wore this year was maternity… But I felt beautiful it in…. Since being a mom I’ve grown as a person. you can laugh here But I would never trade my son for a smaller version of me.

Do you like swimming with your kids?

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My Quick Guide to Spending Quality Time with Your Kids will give you inspiration and ideas so you can start spending more quality time with your kids today! ~ Theresa


  1. Loved this. It makes soooo much sense! We were recently at a beach with a lot of young, in shape, tan, beautiful people and I must say that I've never cared less about my cellulite, a rounder belly or a few extra pounds...I wanted to have FUN with my kids and I knew if I didn't then I'd be upset for missing those precious moments. I'm proud that my body was able to create such healthy babies. Good for us, right!? By the way, you look wonderful in your bathing suit! :) :)

    1. Thanks Marie! I'm sure your kids loved those moments at the beach with them. You're so right, your body carried a baby for 9 months... nothing can be more beautiful than that.


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