This is the place for moms In The Making, who smile with the messes, embrace the unexpected, and know that every day is a blessing.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
The miracle of nursing
Today was a crazy day with a lot of unexpected bumps. As I finally sat down, I was simply amazed by the love of my little son. I was holding him nursing, and he kept grabbing my finger with his little hand. I was already snuggled with him nursing, but that wasn’t enough. It was as if he were saying, no mom... don’t look at the computer, or your phone, or your tablet. Just love me.Enjoy the beauty of me for a moment. When I stopped for that moment my heart just overflowed with love. Here was my little son with total trust and love for me. Depending on me for his every need, and so in love. I smiled as we finished nursing his one hand snuggled on my breast, and the other tightly gripping my hand.
What a blessing to be a parent! I just hope I can remember to savor every moment I share with him. I would love to hear some moments that just take your breath away as parents?
Yes, a sweet Miracle! And what a Beautiful Baby Boy.....he looks like he is definitely feeling the LOVE!