This is the place for moms In The Making, who smile with the messes, embrace the unexpected, and know that every day is a blessing.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Pinterested in getting a haircut

I feel like the concept of getting your haircut has

been transformed by the invention of Pinterest! 

I have been so excited about getting my haircut just a breath of fresh air and newness. But the morning of my haircut I suddenly panicked... I wasn’t sure if I really knew what I wanted or if I would be able to explain in correctly.

Then I thought of Pinterest... In about 10 minutes I whipped together a board of cute blonde haircuts. It was awesome! I walked in for my haircut and was able to show a variety of different cute options.
The result... A fabulous haircut that I adore!

See my hair before the cut 

Where do you get your inspiration for your haircuts? Is there a way that Pinterest has transformed your life?


  1. Ok, I would have never thought to search pinterest for hair cut ideas! What a great idea though! Creating a new board next! =)

    Holly at Not Done Growing

  2. Good luck Holly, I hope you find some cute ideas!


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