This is the place for moms In The Making, who smile with the messes, embrace the unexpected, and know that every day is a blessing.

Monday, April 21, 2014

It Takes Two to be a Mommy

It takes two to make a mommy. 

It is a simple fact, Grandma’s have immeasurable wisdom! While talking with my grandma recently about my blog I got to receive one of those pieces of wisdom.

She commented on how while she loved all the pictures of me and my son… it takes two to make a mommy. She missed seeing my husband in the pictures.

That got me to thinking. There can’t be a Mom in the Making without papa. Reading and enjoying mommy blogs is awesome! I can  savor and enjoy mommy son moments, plus receive and share encouragement with other mothers about the joys and struggles that come during this time in our lives.

Both my boys in peaceful sleep!

But without papa this all goes away. Natalie, The Busy Budgeting Mama did a cute example on her about page when she said first come love, then comes marriage… then she shows her kiddos. It was a cute play on the song.

Before I ever had the joy of being a Mom in the Making… I was a wife :) This is so important to remember. As a mom my days and nights become so full with nursing, diapers, story time etc it is a great joy, but our fun as a couple gets lost.

Recently, we moved up the little man’s bedtime so we can spend time together without him. It has been wonderful… whether we’re playing Monopoly Deal (a quick card game version of monopoly), or laughing together watching a show. It is fun having some us time… not just always being mommy and papa.

And the more time we spend together as a couple the better parents we are!

How do you find time to be a wife?


  1. We play Monopoly Deal Too! Isn't it the best game? I have to remember that my hubby comes before the kids so spending time together is a high priority for us too. Sounds like moving your son's bedtime was a great decision for your marriage. Good job!

    1. It totally is! Growing up we both always played Monopoly... but it is just a LONG game... so Monopoly Deal is a great option.

      How do you find time to spend with your hubby since your kiddos are older?


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