This is the place for moms In The Making, who smile with the messes, embrace the unexpected, and know that every day is a blessing.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Why Mom's Crash

Yes, yes I can do
Sure I’m on my way

Anything to help a friend
No matter night or day

Making meals, hanging out
Lending a kind ear

Doing projects, cakes and crafts
Of course that’s why I’m here

What is sleep, who needs it
If I stay up all night

I grab a coffee, espress beans
That will make it right

When does my saying yes
Start to mean no

For the things I really love
My dreams are a no go

This is really hard for me
I think no is bad

I want to be super mom
Missing things is sad

But when I see my sanity
and life slipping away

I have to cut a few things out
to make it day to day

Where do you draw the line
‘tween craziness and fun

So you have those golden moments
To spend with your son

I love being involved in everything! Spending time with family, friends, going for walks or writing for my blog. There is only one tiny problem... my house, bills, and the 'boring' things in life suddenly pile up so I can no longer do the things I love.

I've been enjoying Crystal Paine's book Say Goodbye to Survival Mode, she talks about why is it sometimes good to say. Check out more about that on my podcast episode Setting Goals, Great Books, and Much More!

How do you balance things in your life?


  1. I enjoyed your post! I have totally been feeling this way since starting my own blog and at home business. Thanks for the chuckle and reminder of what matters most. Stopping by from The Modest Mom blog hop.

  2. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! What inspired you to begin your blog?


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